A worldwide Network

We have contacts, suppliers and partners worldwide – from Japan to the USA. We are also active in online and B2B sales and advise several companies in these areas.

We are also well connected locally, and we support and work with retailers – from bicycle shops to Fairtrade stores.

About our products
and partners

We are broadly positioned with our assortment.
From toys to outdoor products, we sell hundreds of different items via our networks and online. In addition, we have access to millions of other products from a wide range of industries.

Great praise at this point and many thanks to our manufacturers, suppliers and partners. We look forward to the coming years and are excited to see where our common path will lead us.

You also want to benefit from our global network?

Cooperate with us and our partners?
Do you need support and advice in the area of retail or e-commerce?
Are you looking for reliable logistic partners or manufacturers?

Then you’ve come to the right place! Feel free to contact us, we are looking forward to hear from you.

Trade only works together!

Strengthen global and local partners with us.
Whether it´s Japan, China, USA, New Zealand or Germany and Europe.

Together we can go further. Together we will move forward!